A child smiles from behind a fence at the Kurdish-run al-Hol camp for the displaced in the al-Hasakeh governorate in northeastern Syria on January 14, 2020, at the section reserved for Iraqis and Syrians. 
 Particularly difficult living conditions in the camp reportedly resulted in the death of more than 517 people, including 371 children in 2019. Foreign women and children affiliated with the Islamic State(IS) were mainly sent to al-Hol when they were evacuated from the last stronghold of the jihadist group, reconquered by the Kurdish forces in March 2019.  / AFP / DELIL SOULEIMAN
A child smiles from behind a fence at the Al Hol camp for the displaced in northeastern Syria. AFP

More than 500 died in Syria's Al Hol camp for ISIS families in 2019