An aerial view taken on on October 27, 2019 shows the site that was hit by helicopter gunfire which reportedly killed nine people near the northwestern Syrian village of Barisha in the Idlib province along the border with Turkey, where "groups linked to the Islamic State (IS) group" were present, according to a Britain-based war monitor with sources inside Syria.  The helicopters targeted a home and a car on the outskirts of Barisha, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, after US media said IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was believed to be dead following a US military raid in the same province. Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman said the helicopters likely belonged to the US-led military coalition that has been fighting the extremist group in Syria. / AFP / Omar HAJ KADOUR
An aerial view taken on October 27 shows the reported site of the US raid on Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi's hiding place in the north-western Syrian village of Barisha. AFP 

How a Kurdish informant brought down Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi