MLEETA, LEBANON - NOVEMBER 14:  A path leads to an underground bunker at the Resistance Museum, a showcase built by the Shi'ite militia group Hezbollah which controls large swaths of southern Lebanon on November 14, 2013 in Mleeta, Lebanon. The museum, which sits on the a hilltop about 90 kilometers from the border with Israel, has already received a half a million visitors since opening in 2010. The sprawling museum features tunnels used by Hezbollah, captured Israeli tanks and walking paths that go through areas where the fighters launched attacks. In 2006 Hezbollah fought a violent month-long war with Israel in which the group fired rockets at Israeli towns and cities while being bombarded daily with missiles from Israeli warplanes.  (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
A path leads to an underground bunker at Hezbollah's Resistance Museum in Mleeta, Lebanon. Getty Images

Hezbollah's history of tunnel warfare