epa08677872 Displaced Yemenis sit at a camp for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the western province of Hajjah, Yemen, 08 September 2020 (Issued 18 September 2020). According to media reports, Hajjah province has become a safe haven to thousands of Yemeni families fleeing the escalating fighting and bombing along the Saudi-Yemeni border, hosting an estimated 375,000 displaced people. The ongoing conflict in Yemen has forced more than three million people to flee their homes since hostilities started in March 2015, when the Saudi-UAE-led coalition intervened in the conflict with the objective of defeating the Houthis and restoring Yemen's internationally recognized government.  EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
Yemenis sit at a camp for Internally Displaced Persons in the western province of Hajjah, Yemen, on September 8, 2020. EPA

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