The Bab Al Mandeb strait is just 18 miles wide, but a large slice of global trade passes through its vital waters every day. To its north is a war zone in Yemen, and to its south sits Djibouti, a tiny but strategically crucial East African nation. In this episode of Beyond the Headlines, we dissect the importance of Bab Al Mandeb, both economically and geopolitcally. Listen here: Host Charlie Mitchell talks with Jennifer Gnana, who covers energy and business for <em>The National</em>, about the importance of Bab Al Mandeb for global shipping and markets. And Ahmed Soliman, a researcher on the Horn of Africa with the Africa Programme at Chatham House in London, offers insight into the geopolitical realities in the Horn, which have sparked a scramble to secure the strait. <strong>Subscribe to Beyond the Headlines to receive new episodes every week:</strong> <strong><a href="">Apple Podcasts</a> | <a href="">Google Podcasts</a> | <a href="">Spotify</a> | <a href="">Castbox</a> | <a href="">Audioboom</a> | <a href="">RSS</a></strong> <strong>___</strong> <strong>Read more:</strong>