The US President will chair a UN Security Council meeting on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Iran is expected to be the primary focus of the meeting. Yemen, Lebanon and Afghanistan will speak in the General Debate, three important speeches for those concerned with security, regional and Afghan affairs. Yemen's speech will be the subject of particular interest. The UN has been instrumental in attempts to broker a peace deal, end the Houthi insurgency and restore the internationally recognised government. In the first meeting of its type, Tedros Adhanom, the Director General of the World Health Organisation, will be in attendance as well as ministers of health from countries affected by tuberculosis. The meeting will attempt to improve diagnosis, treatment and care. Fighting the myths encouraging isolationism and protectionism, the forum will be attended by heads of state and business leaders from around the world. Theresa May, Bill Clinton, Cyril Ramaphosa and Christine Lagarde will all be in attendance. The EU will host a high-level meeting on Syria to discuss prospects for peace and for displaced citizens to return home. The event will also express solidarity with refugee-hosting countries including Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. <strong>_______________</strong> <strong>Read more:</strong> <strong><a href="">UN General Assembly 2018 schedule</a></strong> <a href=""><strong>Trump puts Iran's regional aggression at </strong></a><a href=""><strong>centre</strong></a><a href=""><strong> of UNGA speech</strong></a> <strong><a href="">UN chief Antonio Guterres urges world leaders to promote global co-operation</a></strong> <strong>_______________</strong>