United Arab Emirates' Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber the Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and Special Envoy for Climate Change speaks at the COP26 U. N. Climate Summit, in Glasgow, Scotland, Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2021. The U. N. climate summit in Glasgow has entered its second week as leaders from around the world, are gathering in Scotland's biggest city, to lay out their vision for addressing the common challenge of global warming. (AP Photo / Alberto Pezzali)
United Arab Emirates' Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber the Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and Special Envoy for Climate Change speaks at the COP26 U. N. Climate Summit, in Glasgow, Scotland, WedneShow more
Cop26: UAE outlines vision for sustainable economic growth at heart of climate action
Dr Sultan Al Jaber says the UAE bid to host Cop28 has been made in a spirit of collaboration on opportunities for solutions for future social impact and progress