A Health Surveilance Assistant (HAS) civic educates a mother (R) before giving her child a dose of Malaria Vaccine as Expanded Programme for Immunization Programme Manager Temwe Mzengeza (2nd R), and Hanifa Likaka (3rd R), Senior Nursing Officer and Matron for the vaccine launch venue hospital, look on on April 23, 2019 at Mitundu Community hospital in Malawi's capital district of Lilongwe on the first day of the Malaria vaccine implementation pilot programme in Malawi aiming to immunise 120,000 children aged two years and under to assess the effectiveness of the pilot vaccine and whether the delivery process is feasible. Malawi spearhead today large scale pilot tests for the world's most advanced experimental malaria vaccine in a bid to prevent the disease that kills hundreds of thousands across Africa each year. After more than three decades in development and almost $1 billion in investment, the cutting-edge trial will be rolled out in Malawi's capital Lilongwe this week and then in Kenya and Ghana next week.
Nursing staff begin Malawi's vaccination programme against malaria. AFP

Malawi becomes first country in the world to vaccinate children against malaria