This photograph taken on November 3, 2020 shows the France-led special operations logo for the new Barkhane Task Force Takuba, a multinational military mission in sub-Saharan Africa’s troubled Sahel region made up of soldiers from France, Estonia, the Czech Republic and Sweden, amongst others, and who are due to settle at the military base in Gao, east-southeast of Timbuktu, over the next few weeks. France has led in building support for the new special operations Task Force Takuba, which will comprise of around 500 special forces personnel, that will train, advise, assist and accompany local forces in their fight against Islamic State and al-Qaeda affiliates in the region. Takuba is expected to be fully operational by the autumn. / AFP / Daphné BENOIT
A new France-led special operations group called Barkhane Task Force Takuba, which includes soldiers from Estonia, the Czech Republic and Sweden, is setting up in Gao, Mali to fight ISIS and Al Qaeda Show more

French forces kill Al Qaeda-linked commander in Mali