(FILES) This file photo taken on June 28, 2014 shows a member of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) putting on protective gear at the isolation ward of the Donka Hospital in Conakry, where people infected with the Ebola virus are being treated.  Four people have died of Ebola in Guinea, the first resurgence of the haemorrhagic fever in the West African nation since a 2013-2016 epidemic left thousands dead, Health Minister Remy Lamah said on February 13, 2021. / AFP / CELLOU BINANI
Four people have died of Ebola in Guinea, the first resurgence of the haemorrhagic fever in the West African nation since a 2013-2016 epidemic left thousands dead. AFP 

Ebola virus returns to Guinea but vaccines could lessen impact of gruesome disease

The National