A youngster arranges books at a looted classroom at Ksanet Junior Secondary School, which was shelled as federal-aligned forces entered the city and looted allegedly by Eritrean forces, in Wukro, north of Mekele, on March 1, 2021. Every phase of the four-month-old conflict in Tigray has brought suffering to Wukro, a fast-growing transport hub once best-known for its religious and archaeological sites. 
Ahead of federal forces' arrival in late November 2020, heavy shelling levelled homes and businesses and sent plumes of dust and smoke rising above near-deserted streets. 
Since then the town has been heavily patrolled by soldiers, Eritreans at first, now mostly Ethiopians, whose abuses fuel a steady flow of civilian casualties and stoke anger with Nobel Peace Prize-winner Abiy. / AFP / EDUARDO SOTERAS
Ksanet Junior Secondary School, which was shelled as federal-aligned forces entered the city and looted allegedly by Eritrean forces, in Wukro, north of Mekele, on March 1, 2021. Every phase of the foShow more

Atrocities committed in Tigray war, Ethiopian government says