An ocean filled with plastic is shown at the entrance of the First Global Challenge robotics competition.
Members of UAE team work on their robot at the First Global Challenge robotics competition held at Festival Arena in Dubai. All photos by Pawan Singh / The National
Amneh Kabobur from Hope (Refugees) team explains about their robot.
Members of Benin team work on their robot.
Teams compete against each other in the First Global Challenge.
Members of Italy and Cameroon react to hearing their competition score..
Members of Bosnia and Herzegovina react after hearing their score.
Visitors have their photos taken with the mascot.
An ocean filled with plastic is shown at the entrance of the First Global Challenge robotics competition.
Members of UAE team work on their robot at the First Global Challenge robotics competition held at Festival Arena in Dubai. All photos by Pawan Singh / The National
Amneh Kabobur from Hope (Refugees) team explains about their robot.
Members of Benin team work on their robot.
Teams compete against each other in the First Global Challenge.
Members of Italy and Cameroon react to hearing their competition score..
Members of Bosnia and Herzegovina react after hearing their score.
Visitors have their photos taken with the mascot.
An ocean filled with plastic is shown at the entrance of the First Global Challenge robotics competition.