DUBAI // A salesman threatened to kill his boss and her uncle if she reported him to police for stealing money, a court heard yesterday.
Sawsan Rosha, the Iran-born owner of a shop in Jumeirah, told police MM, 26, also from Iran, threatened her in the shop on May 1 after an argument over the missing cash.
"He said if I reported the missing money he would kill my uncle in Iran, destroy my shop and kill me if I ever visited Iran," she told prosecutors.
Meherdad Ali, a manager at the shop, told prosecutors: "MM came to the shop to discuss repayment of the money to her and he told her he did not want to pay it back. An argument broke out and he threatened her, saying that he would kill her if she ever went to Iran."
Ms Rosha filed a complaint to police and MM was arrested and questioned on May 30. He denies charges of threatening behaviour. The presiding judge at Dubai Criminal Court of First Instance, Hamad Abdel Latif, will issue his verdict on October 4.