A major Abu Dhabi Police operation targeting drug gangs selling their wares on social media resulted in the arrest of three expats who were using fish to conceal 38kg of crystal methamphetamine. Brig Gen Taher Al Dhaheri, director of the anti-narcotics division, said the three Asian nationals were using random promotional messages on WhatsApp to sell the drugs. With the support of the general command of Abu Dhabi Police, officers found the drugs hidden inside fish. "The suspects' surprise was obvious when we arrested them because they thought the method they used to conceal the drugs will not be easy for us to uncover," he said. "This is part of a broader operation that targets all dealers who promote drugs randomly via WhatsApp." The senior officer urged public members to avoid responding to messages from unknown senders that are promoting drugs. "Most of those drug promoters are under the radar of anti-narcotics units across the country but members of the public are urged to report any messages they receive from them," he said. He said <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/uae/courts/2021/11/28/uaes-new-drug-laws-cut-sentences-and-end-mandatory-deportation-for-expats/" target="_blank">new drug laws</a> that came into effect this year will be a deterrent to all drug dealers.