At the image station, female trainees are taught how to apply their make-up and males are shown the importance of a proper manicure.
An Emirates cabin crew trainee takes the plunge into cold water with a life jacket on. All photos Pawan Singh / The National
Trainees are taught to huddle in the cold water to conserve heat during an emergency landing on water.
Trainees are shown how to unravel and attach the protective orange cover for the life raft.
Despite being taught to stay in the inflatable life raft, trainees are asked to jump in the cold water during emergency landing exercises to learn the proper technique for keeping warm.
Tania Hettiaratchy, training instructor, watches her class.
Trainee Emirates cabin crew leave the Airbus A380 simulator using the inflatable slide.
A trainee opens the emergency exit in preparation for evacuating the aircraft.
Emirates Cabin Crew Training College is the only one in the world to have a full-sized A380 fuselage.
Tania Hettiaratchy lectures trainees on how to wear the life jackets for an emergency evacuation on water.
This cabin replica is where crew members are shown how to serve guests on board.
Crew serve and are served during their training so they learn to appreciate the customer experience.
Trainees form tight bonds with others in their 'batch' and often remain friends for years into their service.
Talks on the importance of skin care, including an emphasis on protection against the sun, are part of crew training.
At the image station, female trainees are taught how to apply their make-up and males are shown the importance of a proper manicure.
An Emirates cabin crew trainee takes the plunge into cold water with a life jacket on. All photos Pawan Singh / The National
Trainees are taught to huddle in the cold water to conserve heat during an emergency landing on water.
Trainees are shown how to unravel and attach the protective orange cover for the life raft.
Despite being taught to stay in the inflatable life raft, trainees are asked to jump in the cold water during emergency landing exercises to learn the proper technique for keeping warm.
Tania Hettiaratchy, training instructor, watches her class.
Trainee Emirates cabin crew leave the Airbus A380 simulator using the inflatable slide.
A trainee opens the emergency exit in preparation for evacuating the aircraft.
Emirates Cabin Crew Training College is the only one in the world to have a full-sized A380 fuselage.
Tania Hettiaratchy lectures trainees on how to wear the life jackets for an emergency evacuation on water.
This cabin replica is where crew members are shown how to serve guests on board.
Crew serve and are served during their training so they learn to appreciate the customer experience.
Trainees form tight bonds with others in their 'batch' and often remain friends for years into their service.
Talks on the importance of skin care, including an emphasis on protection against the sun, are part of crew training.
At the image station, female trainees are taught how to apply their make-up and males are shown the importance of a proper manicure.