Naomi Osaka took the night off from tennis on Wednesday as she tried her hand at baseball. The 21 year old threw the ceremonial pitch for the Los Angeles Dodgers ahead of their MLB clash with the Los Angeles Angels at Dodger Stadium. The two-time major winner visibly enjoyed her experience as she laughed and joked with Kenta Maeda from the Dodgers. Speaking before she had pitched the ball, the women's world No 2 said: "This is my second time watching live baseball and I'm really honoured to have the chance to do this. "Also I'm a bit nervous about throwing the ball but I'll have fun. "I see a lot of people who throw really good and I also see a lot of people who throw really bad, so I hope I'm one of the better throwers." The Angels went on to win the match 3-2. Osaka, after her first-round exit at Wimbledon, is beginning her build towards trying to defend her US Open title, which begins on August 26 in New York. The American is scheduled to be next in action at the Canadian Open in Toronto, which begins on August 5.