Players will be subject to temperature checks, and sports providers will have to provide quarantine areas for suspected coronavirus cases as part of new safety regulations by Abu Dhabi Sport Council. The council have set out detailed guidelines after announcing sport can be resumed in the capital. Following recommendations by the World Health Organisation, the facilities of sports institutions have to “ensure quarantine or medical isolation is provided for suspected cases, until they are transferred”. Facilities must be sterilised after every training period of two hours. The use of dressing rooms and showers is prohibited, while banners promoting the importance of disinfection must be displayed prominently. Individual players and trainers will have to “undergo a daily heat test before and during the training period”. Gym users have to wear gloves while using gym equipment, and there is a “commitment to wear masks and gloves at all times”. Among other precautionary measures to be implemented for a safe return to sport, training staff are recommended to “maintain five square metre distancing of each person”. Competitions are not permitted during training sessions, while “group training sessions take into consideration the social distancing and the number of participants not exceeding 30 per cent of the capacity”.