The International Space Station was emailed a tool for its crew to create on the 3D printer. Photo: NASA/ AP
The International Space Station was emailed a tool for its crew to create on the 3D printer. Photo: NASA/ AP

One small step ...

The great promise of the space age has always been that it drives innovation. So, when it was first suggested that Nasa retire its ageing Space Shuttle fleet, advocates of the programme – it was retired in 2011 – cited the many advances the low-earth orbiter had brought.

In truth, the Space Shuttle’s greatest legacies were somewhat prosaic. It was the pack horse that carried most of the International Space Station into orbit and it promoted a “can do” culture of elaborate solutions to the problems that space travel tends to kick up.

That part of the shuttle’s legacy was on show this week when Nasa mission control emailed a wrench to the space station, which astronauts printed out on their recently installed 3D printer. The printer will make it easier to carry out routine maintenance on the permanent space lab and brings new meaning to that often used expression of “putting a spanner in the works”.





What is Genes in Space?

Genes in Space is an annual competition first launched by the UAE Space Agency, The National and Boeing in 2015.

It challenges school pupils to design experiments to be conducted in space and it aims to encourage future talent for the UAE’s fledgling space industry. It is the first of its kind in the UAE and, as well as encouraging talent, it also aims to raise interest and awareness among the general population about space exploration.


Ms Davison came to Dubai from Kerala after her marriage in 1996 when she was 21-years-old

Since 2001, Ms Davison has worked at many affordable schools such as Our Own English High School in Sharjah, and The Apple International School and Amled School in Dubai

Favourite Book: The Alchemist

Favourite quote: Failing to prepare is preparing to fail

Favourite place to Travel to: Vienna

Favourite cuisine: Italian food

Favourite Movie : Scent of a Woman