An Indonesian Navy diver emerges from the water during a search operation for victims of the crashed Lion Air plane in the waters of Tanjung Karawang, Indonesia, Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2018. Divers searched Tuesday for victims of the Lion Air plane crash and high-tech equipment was deployed to find its data recorders as reports emerged of problems on the jet's previous flight that had terrified passengers. (AP Photo/Tatan Syuflana)
An Indonesian Navy diver emerges from the water during a search operation for victims of the crashed Lion Air plane. AP

Lion air crash is a tragedy that must be investigated

Your story Indonesian plane crashes into sea off Jakarta (October 29) was sad to read. The aircraft, flown by a 31-year-old captain and carrying  187 people, vanished from the radar 13 minutes after take-off and plunged into the water. However, the real cause is not known. Lion Air should investigate this incident since the aircraft was only a few months old. After the recent air accidents, people must be thinking twice before taking flights. I pray for the victims.

K Ragavan, Bengaluru

Not on the same page about Dubai’s big book sale

With reference to your piece Why the allure of Dubai's Big Bad Wolf book sale is too great to resist (October 26), it wasn't that great overall. The staff were amazing, but, from what I could see, there was a very small section of Arabic books, no Islamic books not even the Quran – which is a bit odd for a book fair in the Middle East – no languages other than English and Arabic, and no classic English literature.

I have also been to the Cairo annual book fair which is way more impressive and bigger than this one.

Mathieu Garvi, Dubai

Halloween is just a harmless party to be enjoyed by kids

Referring to your story Saudi Halloween party bust sparks debate in the Kingdom (October 28), the whole of Dubai is filled with Halloween. It's in  almost every mall, restaurant and supermarket.

Sweets and treats are ready at the front door for eager little faces trick or treating and pumpkins are being carved across the city as I type. It’s fun – something for kids.

Learning about other ­people’s cultures is exactly what makes us tolerant and understanding. This is why the UAE is so progressive. We embrace everyone and their cultures.

Tanya Milbourne, Dubai

The history weaved into the flags of Arab nations

With reference to your video and story, How the First World War shaped the borders of the Middle East (October 30), what's interesting is that Sir Mark Sykes is also the man behind many flags in the region. He designed the first with the black, white, green and red colours for The Arab Revolt in an effort to unite Arabs against the Ottoman Empire.

Ingemar Fredriksson, Stockholm, Sweden

If you want fuel efficiency, it’s time to slow down a little

Referring to your story Range anxiety: can the Toyota Camry hybrid go the distance? I would suggest that a driving speed of 159kph is hardly sensible. It would have been much better to set the cruise control to around 125kph, quite fast enough and it keeps the revs down. No one is going to get good fuel efficiency driving at an insane 159kph.

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Manchester United 2 (Heaton (og) 42', Lindelof 64')

Aston Villa 2 (Grealish 11', Mings 66')