French activist Jean-Baptiste Redde, aka Voltuan (C) holds a placard reading 'heads of state, act now, Amazon is burning', during a march in Hendaye, south-west France on August 24, 2019, to protest against the annual G7 Summit attended by the leaders of the world's seven richest democracies, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States.  Thousands began rallying some 30 kilometres (20 miles) south of the G7 gathering at the border town of Hendaye for a march over the Bidassoa River toward the Spanish town of Irun. Red, white and green Basque flags waved above a crowd that included anti-capitalists, environmental activists as well as a few dozen of France's "yellow vest" anti-government protesters.
A protest march in Hendaye, south-west France, against the annual G7 summit attended by the leaders of the world's seven richest democracies, Georges Gobet / AFP

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