EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / A Syrian man puts white stones over the tombs of five victims of a regime air strike on the village of Kafr Aweid in which five people, including two children, were killed  following their burial together in the country's northern Idlib province on June 5, 2019. The Idlib region of some three million people has suffered increased regime and Russian air strikes in recent weeks, with hundreds of civilians killed since late April. To keep up, civil defence workers known as the White Helmets are digging graves in advance, to ensure funerals are swift and the few who attend are not killed at the cemetery.
A man puts stones on the graves of five victims of a regime air strike on the village of Kafr Aweid in Idlib. AFP/Omar Haj Kadour

The briefest of ceasefires highlights the plight of Idlib’s people