A soldier of the French Army adjusts the coordinates of a mortar ready to be used to defend them at a Temporary Operative Advanced Base (BOAT) during the Bourgou IV operation in Northern Burkina Faso on November 10, 2019. For two weeks in early November, soldiers of the French Army set up a Temporary Operative Advanced Base (BOAT) every evening during the Bourgou IV operation, in the area of the three borders between Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger.
There, with their Malian, Burkinabe and Nigerian partners, they combed forests and swamps in search of weapons caches and other jihadist equipment in an area known to harbour them. / AFP / MICHELE CATTANI
A soldier of the French Army adjusts the coordinates of a mortar ready to be used in Northern Burkina Faso last November. AFP

Burkina Faso is playing with fire by arming its civilians