Abu Dhabi, UAE – 7 July 2015: Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority (TCA Abu Dhabi) is organising a series of specialised Emirati traditional handicrafts workshops focusing on transferring the skills and expertise of Emirati artisans to new generations.
Supervised by TCA Abu Dhabi-accredited Emirati craftswomen, the workshops will feature three crafts adroitly mastered by Emirati women over the years including ‘Talli’ embroidery, ‘Khos’ palm frond strand braiding and ‘Sadu’ weaving, and will be organised at Abu Dhabi National Theatre from 26th July to 20th August, 2015.
The workshops’ artistic production will then be displayed at an exhibition that will accompany the second National Traditional Handicrafts Festival, which is set to return to Al Ain’s Souq Al Qattara in October 2015.

Courtesy TCA Abu Dhabi *** Local Caption ***  na08jl-heritage.jpeg
An Emirati woman creates handicrafts using traditional methods. Photo: Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi

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02 May, 2024