A builder at a construction site in Indiranagar. The World Bank says up to 380 million people in India are employed in jobs exposed to the heat
Bijal Brahmabhatt, director of Mahila Housing Trust, says high temperatures reduce the economic productivity of women by about a third. All photos: Taniya Dutta for The National
The NGO is helping poor families paint their roofs white reflective paint to keep indoor temperatures at bearable levels during summer
Summers in India are extreme when temperatures rise to 50ºC. More than 6,500 people died during heatwaves between 2010 and 2018
The Mahila Housing Trust project started in 2017 and has so far covered 20,000 homes
Residents of the poor neighbourhood of Indiranagar in Ahmedabad, in Gujarat state, are among the beneficiaries of the project
Seamstress Kajal Salat, 23, says she can now work comfortably from her home in Indiranagar after her roof was painted
The reflective paint, which has to be applied in several coats and reapplied every few years, helps to bring down indoor temperatures by as much as 5ºC
Indiranagar residents stand beside a can of the reflective paint that is being applied on the roof of their home
A resident of Indiranagar shows the temperature inside her home, which is yet to be painted
The Indian weather office has warned of a harsher summer this year, with temperatures set to rise by several degrees in May
A builder at a construction site in Indiranagar. The World Bank says up to 380 million people in India are employed in jobs exposed to the heat
Bijal Brahmabhatt, director of Mahila Housing Trust, says high temperatures reduce the economic productivity of women by about a third. All photos: Taniya Dutta for The National
The NGO is helping poor families paint their roofs white reflective paint to keep indoor temperatures at bearable levels during summer
Summers in India are extreme when temperatures rise to 50ºC. More than 6,500 people died during heatwaves between 2010 and 2018
The Mahila Housing Trust project started in 2017 and has so far covered 20,000 homes
Residents of the poor neighbourhood of Indiranagar in Ahmedabad, in Gujarat state, are among the beneficiaries of the project
Seamstress Kajal Salat, 23, says she can now work comfortably from her home in Indiranagar after her roof was painted
The reflective paint, which has to be applied in several coats and reapplied every few years, helps to bring down indoor temperatures by as much as 5ºC
Indiranagar residents stand beside a can of the reflective paint that is being applied on the roof of their home
A resident of Indiranagar shows the temperature inside her home, which is yet to be painted
The Indian weather office has warned of a harsher summer this year, with temperatures set to rise by several degrees in May
A builder at a construction site in Indiranagar. The World Bank says up to 380 million people in India are employed in jobs exposed to the heat