Who wants to be (a sick) millionaire?

A night in Dubai City Hospital's Royal Suite. This, apparently, is how the other half ails. I check in at Dubai City's Hospital's Royal Suite, and am immediately confronted by a large tray of multicoloured fondant delicacies - 60 in all, just for me. The cakes are supplemented by an equally impressive array of Arabic sweets, and enough fruit to service a fair-sized vegan convention. Before I've made a dent in the cakes, I'm served a four-course meal, which begins with Trio of Tomato (mousse, consommé and stuffed) and culminates in Pan Fried Beef Fillet, served with creamed Savoy cabbage and dumplings, followed by a stack of chocolate samosas.

Between courses, my personal butler ghosts into the room. Is everything to my liking? Will there be anything else? Coffee? Tea? A Sandwich? I am also visited by a team of nurses, who frequently arrive to check my vital signs. For a while now, Dubai has been jockeying for pole position in the lucrative health care tourism industry; the Royal Suite occupies the highest point of this endeavour. If your taste runs to velvet pillows and blown glass chandeliers, or if you think you might require the use of a majlis during your stay, then the Royal Suite is the room for you.

This sort of opulence doesn't come cheap. A regular room at City Hospital sets you back Dh1,370 a night; the Royal Suite costs Dh19,750 - not including the cost of medical care. Good luck trying to hit up your insurance provider for that. But the suite isn't meant for people who worry about such things. Hospital administrators won't say who, specifically, has stayed in the room, but the list includes Gulf royalty and some of Dubai's notable family names.

"The suite serves a certain market," says the hospital's director, David Hadley. "For you, it's a treat, for them, it's normal." Normal, he says. Beyond the 24-hour butler and the lavish decor, the suite boasts a private terrace, a VIP lift, pool gym, hairdresser and pedicurist. Every room has a flat-screen TV equipped with video on demand. And each offers sweeping views of downtown Dubai, the perfect place to stand and ponder the condition of one's prostate.

During my stay, I am given what the hospital calls the Executive Health Check, a top-to-toe anatomical survey for men of a certain age. This procedure, too, is surprisingly agreeable. To me, one ECG machine looks much like another - what's different here is the personnel: without exception, the people who administer my tests have the demeanour of maître d's. "Sorry," says the motherly lab technician every time she jabs a needle into my arm. "Just a little prick."

"I can see," observes the charming man who does my chest X-ray, "that you have had a lot of women in your heart." As I wait to go in for my abdominal scan, a nurse phones my butler, ensuring that another many-coursed meal will be waiting for me upon the precise second of my return. Oddly, this comes just a few minutes after I have been informed that I'm "in the overweight range" and have "borderline hypertension".

Hadley is quick to point out such hospitality is also available to non-VIP patients. A core part of the ethos at City Hospital, he reminds me, is that the unpleasantness of a broken leg, bladder infection or heart murmur can be alleviated by pleasant surroundings. Ordinary patients may not be able to order a guava shake at 4am, but they're still greeted by a warm smile at the hospital's slick glass-and-steel lobby.

This approach, of course, is informed by more than altruism. If City Hospital is to become a serious player in the health care tourism game, it will not do so by virtue of competitive pricing - the local economy won't allow it. So this facility, along with others at the Dubai Healthcare City free zone, has adopted an alternative strategy: improving the quality of the care. And this includes, as Hadley puts it, "the hotel side of the business".

Overnight, I roam across my suite's cool marble flooring, examining elaborate bottles of scent, scraping my fingernails along the gold brocade and mosaic tiling. I measure the length of the suite in steps (50). I sneak a smoke on the terrace. I watch Cloverfield, then Baby Mama. I try to sleep. The following morning, shortly before I leave, David Hadley warns me to remember more than the private-swimming-pool, sixty-cakes-to-a-serving stuff. Even in the madly comfortable Royal Suite, this is less about maximising pleasure than minimising pain. Think about it, he says: "Even if you won a million dirhams, would you want to go to a hospital?"

* Chris Wright

Barings Bank

Barings, one of Britain’s oldest investment banks, was
founded in 1762 and operated for 233 years before it went bust after a trading

Barings Bank collapsed in February 1995 following colossal
losses caused by rogue trader Nick Lesson.

Leeson gambled more than $1 billion in speculative trades,
wiping out the venerable merchant bank’s cash reserves.

Email sent to Uber team from chief executive Dara Khosrowshahi

From: Dara

To: Team@

Date: March 25, 2019 at 11:45pm PT

Subj: Accelerating in the Middle East

Five years ago, Uber launched in the Middle East. It was the start of an incredible journey, with millions of riders and drivers finding new ways to move and work in a dynamic region that’s become so important to Uber. Now Pakistan is one of our fastest-growing markets in the world, women are driving with Uber across Saudi Arabia, and we chose Cairo to launch our first Uber Bus product late last year.

Today we are taking the next step in this journey—well, it’s more like a leap, and a big one: in a few minutes, we’ll announce that we’ve agreed to acquire Careem. Importantly, we intend to operate Careem independently, under the leadership of co-founder and current CEO Mudassir Sheikha. I’ve gotten to know both co-founders, Mudassir and Magnus Olsson, and what they have built is truly extraordinary. They are first-class entrepreneurs who share our platform vision and, like us, have launched a wide range of products—from digital payments to food delivery—to serve consumers.

I expect many of you will ask how we arrived at this structure, meaning allowing Careem to maintain an independent brand and operate separately. After careful consideration, we decided that this framework has the advantage of letting us build new products and try new ideas across not one, but two, strong brands, with strong operators within each. Over time, by integrating parts of our networks, we can operate more efficiently, achieve even lower wait times, expand new products like high-capacity vehicles and payments, and quicken the already remarkable pace of innovation in the region.

This acquisition is subject to regulatory approval in various countries, which we don’t expect before Q1 2020. Until then, nothing changes. And since both companies will continue to largely operate separately after the acquisition, very little will change in either teams’ day-to-day operations post-close. Today’s news is a testament to the incredible business our team has worked so hard to build.

It’s a great day for the Middle East, for the region’s thriving tech sector, for Careem, and for Uber.

Uber on,
