Make a batch of this soup, freeze it and serve chilled as a summer starter or as a hearty main course. Besides being rich in iron, protein and other nutrients, red lentils are easy to cook, as they require no pre-soaking. <strong>Ingredients:</strong> 1.5 cups of dried red lentils 10cm piece of kombu seaweed 1 clove of garlic, very thinly sliced 8 cups of water 1 leek, finely chopped 2 stalks of celery finely diced 2 carrots, diced 2 teaspoons of curry powder ¼ cup of umeboshi vinegar 1 tablespoon of fresh ginger juice Freshly ground black pepper to taste ¼ cup of coarsely chopped parsley to garnish <strong>Steps: </strong> 1. Wash the lentils thoroughly in cold water and drain. 2. Bring the lentils, garlic, kombu, leek, celery and carrot to a boil in a large saucepan. 3. Stirring occasionally, simmer for 20 minutes or until the lentils become soft. 4. Skim any discoloured/dark foam from the top of the broth. 5. Remove and discard the kombu. 6. Add the curry powder, vinegar and ginger juice before simmering for a further 5 minutes. 7. If desired, add cubes of tofu or shiitake mushroom to complete the meal. 8. Season and garnish with a liberal sprinkling of fresh parsley. For more recipes inspired by Shamadi restaurant, part of SHA Wellness Clinic in Spain go to <a href=" "> </a> Read more about the health centre which will soon be coming to Dubai at