Lakme Fashion Week came to a close on August 26, with fashion designer Monisha Jaising showcasing the last collection of the event. Bollywood was well-represented at this year's show, with more than a dozen <a href="">actors doubling as models </a>for various designers. Star-of-the-moment Kareena Kapoor Khan, who <a href="">was in Dubai </a>on August 19 with her friends, walked the ramp for Jaising, who showcased a sparkling collection in shades of pinks, blues, blacks and various hues of her favourite shade: green (see our gallery of looks above). Dressed in a stunning off-shoulder iridescent green gown, Kapoor Khan channeled the best of both her worlds - celebrity and royalty - with an attitude to match. The actress, who is a <a href="">regular on the runway</a>, also used the occasion to speak about her first make-up line, simply called Kareena Kapoor Khan by Lakmé Absolute. Calling it one of her most "personal projects this year", Kapoor Khan said that the range of lipsticks and eye pencils was in keeping with her own penchant for experimenting with various colours. The line also comprises a mascara, brow definer and contour sticks. <strong>________________________</strong> <strong>Read more:</strong> <strong>________________________</strong>