Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan has been spotted wearing Dubai-based couture designer Alina Anwar. The Indian star hand-picked the purple glittering dress to wear while attending the Brands Impact 2019 awards ceremony on March 20. Alina Anwar Couture is a luxury evening wear collection which is handcrafted in Dubai but uses techniques of contemporary couture with French finishing. “I use fashion as a way of expressing myself, so I chose a gown that would suit Kareena, not only in fit, but in personality. The dress radiates glamour and sophistication, just as Kareena does. It was an honour to be chosen to dress such a well-known and respected celebrity,” says the founder of Alina Anwar Couture. Kapoor Khan is a favourite in Bollywood where she’s won six Filmfare awards and is one of the highest-paid actresses. She's known for her roles in <em>Jab We Met</em>, <em>We Are Family</em>, and <em>Bajrangi Bhaijaan</em>. The 38-year-old is married to fellow actor and producer Saif Ali Khan. __________________<br/> Read more: <strong><a href="">Filmfare Awards 2019 : Who wore what and who the big winners were</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Zee Cine Awards 2019: 'Padmaavat' and 'Sanju' win big</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Priyanka Chopra wears design by Emirati royalty while out and about in New York</a></strong> __________________