No sooner are they announced that Mother's Day meal deals and spa packages are getting postponed or cancelled in the UAE because of <a href="">Covid-19</a>. Avoid the confusion and health risk by planning a day in with mum. Here are some tips to spend some quality time together ... Whether it’s her favourite food or one you ate as a family when you were a child, give mum a break from the kitchen and whip up a meal you can share together. To score more brownie points, keep the kitchen as mess-free as possible whilst you cook, serve the meal on pretty crockery with serviettes et al, and volunteer to clean up after. From <em>The Jungle Book</em> cartoon to <em>Baby's Day Out</em>, reminisce about movies that were played on loop in your childhood home, and settle back to enjoy it with popcorn and coolers. Alternately, exchange series recommendations – it's always fun re-watching something with a loved one who's never seen it before – and indulge in a binge-watching session with mum. If you’ve both been stuck indoors for a few days, burn off that energy with a partner workout - indoors or out on the baclcony or in the back yard. You may have different fitness levels, so start with a few simple routines to avoid any age-related injuries, and build up slowly from there by going deeper into a posture, increasing the number of reps or trying routines you may be unfamiliar with. Start and end your workout with partner-led stretching for maximum benefit and throw in a massage to make it more fun. Some mums are forever asking their children to “slow down”, so Mother’s Day is a good time to display your calm side and put her worries at bay. Download a meditation app or put on some relaxation tracks and, seated side by side, try to achieve that oft-elusive calmness together. A 2010 study published on noted that talking to or being around a parent helps children to relax thanks to the release of oxytocin, so grab your chance. If you haven’t spoken to your mum other than a perfunctory call or text to let her know you’re alive, settle down for a good, old chat on Mother’s Day. Really listen to what she has to say (even if she’s said it before), ask her how she spends her days and whether there’s anything you can do to make her feel happier or more involved in your life. Most mums are more keen to hear about you, so share significant moments from your life, work and relationships, and ask for advice if you need it; it’ll be therapeutic for you both.