A reader advocates for more women-only fitness facilities in the capital. Andrew Henderson / The National
A reader advocates for more women-only fitness facilities in the capital. Andrew Henderson / The National

Efficient, effective, Abu Dhabi police deserve thanks

You sometimes hear it said that Abu Dhabi is not as safe a city as it used to be.

As expatriates living here for five years, we have always felt safe. This was tested recently when jewellery was stolen from our home. The police handled the incident professionally and with great compassion and understanding.

We never expected to see the items again but within 48 hours the thieves had been caught and the jewellery recovered.

From start to finish every police officer - from CID to the officers at Al Khalidiya police station - were extremely kind and helpful.

So we want to say a big "thank you" to the Abu Dhabi Police.

KL Abu Dhabi

Two birds with just one stone

Here's a novel solution to the Greek debt problem:

Why doesn't Turkey just buy Greece's half of the island of Cyprus? this would solve the debt problem and the Cyprus problem - two birds with one stone.

Maggie Hannan, Abu Dhabi

New teachers face challenge

Your report Plan to boost Emirati teachers (June 27) makes me realise that good Emirati teachers would no doubt be a big boost to schools, as they would understand the culture.

The Government has taken a good step in making sure that Emirati graduates will have these important jobs. This is a good thing as long as those hired are qualified and actually work.

I hope these recruits will have to show their teaching skills in front of those interviewing. They should also be given a probationary period. Being of a certain nationality, doesn't make one a better teacher.

Let's hope this proves to be a positive step. If it doesn't, then those suffering will be the students.

Chris Murray, Abu Dhabi

The question I have about all the Emirati women being hired as teachers is this: what happens to the current teachers, many of them I believe Arab expatriates, who will suddenly be out of a job?

Schools, like all institutions, need the "institutional memory" they get from long-established employees. I hope this change is not too ambitious.

Noel Gardner, Abu Dhabi

When we all write, who will read?

Write your own ticket (June 27), your report about the self-published author, makes me wonder: what happens when there are more authors than readers?

We seem to be getting there.

Todd Hamilton, Dubai

What women want, explained

Why is there no females-only fitness club in Abu Dhabi?

The Abu Dhabi Ladies Club offered a wonderful opportunity for many fitness options, but it closed several years ago and I believe ground has not yet been broken for a new one.

Last fall we came upon fantastic classes taught by well-trained and talented instructors in a public school gym in the evenings. Now that is closed too.

Many health clubs do offer ladies-only classes, but I have attended some where a gentleman or two has unknowingly walked into the class. Also, my teenage daughter is very uncomfortable walking past a group of men to get to a class.

She has excellent athletic ability, a skill that is going undeveloped due to lack of facilities. I want to be a good role model to my daughter but am having a tough time developing her interests in fitness.

Abu Dhabi Sports Council, a ladies only fitness club is desperately needed.

Name withheld by request

Why do maids want to run away?

I refer to A day off is 'not for everyone' (June 26).

If a housemaid "runs away", there isn't a problem with her, but instead with her employer. The main issue would be the conditions that make the help feel they need to run away.

Secondly, why do maids have to run away rather than just quit?

I realise that the UAE's labour laws for expatriates are strict.

But why make housemaids beholden to their employers so that they can't leave?

A maid should be able to give two weeks notice and have the time and opportunity to look for another job while still remaining employed.

There is an underlying presumption that a maid is somehow a lesser person than her employers.

I believe that anyone who takes part in this implicit dehumanisation of household help should sincerely reconsider how they view their housemaids.

It's time everyone started thinking of housemaids as human beings.

Stephen Underwood, Abu Dhabi

Small Things Like These

Director: Tim Mielants
Cast: Cillian Murphy, Emily Watson, Eileen Walsh
Rating: 4/5

The Africa Institute 101

Housed on the same site as the original Africa Hall, which first hosted an Arab-African Symposium in 1976, the newly renovated building will be home to a think tank and postgraduate studies hub (it will offer master’s and PhD programmes). The centre will focus on both the historical and contemporary links between Africa and the Gulf, and will serve as a meeting place for conferences, symposia, lectures, film screenings, plays, musical performances and more. In fact, today it is hosting a symposium – 5-plus-1: Rethinking Abstraction that will look at the six decades of Frank Bowling’s career, as well as those of his contemporaries that invested social, cultural and personal meaning into abstraction. 

Veil (Object Lessons)
Rafia Zakaria
​​​​​​​Bloomsbury Academic

Forced Deportations

While the Lebanese government has deported a number of refugees back to Syria since 2011, the latest round is the first en-mass campaign of its kind, say the Access Center for Human Rights, a non-governmental organization which monitors the conditions of Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

“In the past, the Lebanese General Security was responsible for the forced deportation operations of refugees, after forcing them to sign papers stating that they wished to return to Syria of their own free will. Now, the Lebanese army, specifically military intelligence, is responsible for the security operation,” said Mohammad Hasan, head of ACHR.
In just the first four months of 2023 the number of forced deportations is nearly double that of the entirety of 2022.

Since the beginning of 2023, ACHR has reported 407 forced deportations – 200 of which occurred in April alone.

In comparison, just 154 people were forcfully deported in 2022.


Instances of violence against Syrian refugees are not uncommon.

Just last month, security camera footage of men violently attacking and stabbing an employee at a mini-market went viral. The store’s employees had engaged in a verbal altercation with the men who had come to enforce an order to shutter shops, following the announcement of a municipal curfew for Syrian refugees.
“They thought they were Syrian,” said the mayor of the Nahr el Bared municipality, Charbel Bou Raad, of the attackers.
It later emerged the beaten employees were Lebanese. But the video was an exemplary instance of violence at a time when anti-Syrian rhetoric is particularly heated as Lebanese politicians call for the return of Syrian refugees to Syria.