Norma Guerra, a participant in the Barefoot College program, opens a solar powered light she installed at her home in the town of Cachimbo, Oaxaca state, Mexico, on Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2018. Under a program, known as Barefoot College in Tilonia, India, designed to empower poor rural communities around the world, local women from Cachimbo went to India for six months to be trained as electrical technicians. They returned to install dozens of solar panels, battery packs and wiring that now run lights and appliances all over the village. Photographer: Yael Martinez/Bloomberg
Norma Guerra,a 'Solar Mama' and a participant in the Barefoot College programme, turns on a solar powered light she installed at her home in the town of Cachimbo, Oaxaca state, Mexico. Yael Martinez/BShow more

Solar Mamas bring light and hope to rural Mexico