The introduction of broadband internet sharing between Etisalat and du and mobile number portability has been delayed until next year.
The introduction of broadband internet sharing between Etisalat and du and mobile number portability has been delayed until next year.

Glitches delay Etisalat and du link-up

Technical hitches have delayed the rollout of telecommunications services intended to spur competition in the market, says the UAE's chief telecoms regulator.

The introduction of broadband internet sharing between Etisalat and du as well as mobile number portability (MNP) has been pushed back until next year as the companies work out technical concerns, said Mohamed al Ghanim, the director general of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA).

"We have delayed the launch because we want to make sure that the process is right for the customer and there is full automation that would happen with the two operators," said Mr al Ghanim.

MNP allows customers to change operators while keeping their phone number - something they cannot do at present. The service is available in Saudi Arabia and is set to be rolled out next year in Bahrain and Qatar.

Broadband sharing is a similar programme intended to allow subscribers to choose their internet provider.

Etisalat has a monopoly on traditional telephones, internet service and cable TV throughout most of the country. While du's mobile service spreads nationwide, its TV and internet services reach only a small area of Dubai including Dubai Marina and Media City.

Mr al Ghanim said the main issue with the delay in broadband sharing was applying the "bitstream" technology to link up the two fixed-line networks.

Bitstream is installed on software and hardware packages to identify occasions when a subscriber of one operator is using the telecoms service provided by the other.

"Infrastructure sharing is ultra-complex," said Mr al Ghanim. "What we're doing is bitstream with the fibre, which is happening for the first time around the world. There's a lot of technical and process issues that have to be resolved. When a customer migrates to [another operator] it should be a seamless and very easy process."

Mr al Ghanim said a trial process with selected customers would start early next year. Once that is completed, the service would be given the green light for the rest of the country.

MNP is being delayed for similar reasons, said Mr al Ghanim. While the service's platform is ready, processing issues have delayed its introduction.

"As soon as we make sure the process works, it will come out. But the system is ready," he said.

Irfan Ellam, a telecoms analyst at Al Mal Capital, said the introduction of the new services would be likely to chiefly benefit du.

However, both operators would be able to bundle their offerings into a "quadplay" package, in which customers could subscribe to television, fixed-line, internet and mobile services for a discounted rate, said Mr Ellam.

"Typically, your post-paid subscribers have a higher [average revenue per user] than prepaid. Since a majority of post-paid subscribers are with Etisalat, if MNP was brought in, it would be benefit du, as some post-paid subscribers may choose to move to du," he said.

"If you step away from this and look at it, you see this in most markets. If you have substantial market share and strong competition arrives, it is only natural to concede market share to the new player."

But Etisalat may use the opportunity to shift its attention away from its domestic market towards generating the majority of its revenues from international operations.

It already makes about 20 per cent of its earnings from its foreign subsidiaries and is in the due diligence stage of its planned purchase of 51 per cent of Zain for US$11bn (Dh40.4bn).

"If the Zain transaction goes through, Etisalat will be transformed. They've always maintained that they will get more of their revenue from overseas," said Mr Ellam.

A du spokesman said the operator welcomed the introduction of MNP and believed it would give consumers and businesses greater choice.

Etisalat declined to comment.





Sinopharm vaccine explained

The Sinopharm vaccine was created using techniques that have been around for decades. 

“This is an inactivated vaccine. Simply what it means is that the virus is taken, cultured and inactivated," said Dr Nawal Al Kaabi, chair of the UAE's National Covid-19 Clinical Management Committee.

"What is left is a skeleton of the virus so it looks like a virus, but it is not live."

This is then injected into the body.

"The body will recognise it and form antibodies but because it is inactive, we will need more than one dose. The body will not develop immunity with one dose," she said.

"You have to be exposed more than one time to what we call the antigen."

The vaccine should offer protection for at least months, but no one knows how long beyond that.

Dr Al Kaabi said early vaccine volunteers in China were given shots last spring and still have antibodies today.

“Since it is inactivated, it will not last forever," she said.

From Europe to the Middle East, economic success brings wealth - and lifestyle diseases

A rise in obesity figures and the need for more public spending is a familiar trend in the developing world as western lifestyles are adopted.

One in five deaths around the world is now caused by bad diet, with obesity the fastest growing global risk. A high body mass index is also the top cause of metabolic diseases relating to death and disability in Kuwait, Qatar and Oman – and second on the list in Bahrain.

In Britain, heart disease, lung cancer and Alzheimer’s remain among the leading causes of death, and people there are spending more time suffering from health problems.

The UK is expected to spend $421.4 billion on healthcare by 2040, up from $239.3 billion in 2014.

And development assistance for health is talking about the financial aid given to governments to support social, environmental development of developing countries.

Profile of RentSher

Started: October 2015 in India, November 2016 in UAE

Founders: Harsh Dhand; Vaibhav and Purvashi Doshi

Based: Bangalore, India and Dubai, UAE

Sector: Online rental marketplace

Size: 40 employees

Investment: $2 million

Tips to keep your car cool
  • Place a sun reflector in your windshield when not driving
  • Park in shaded or covered areas
  • Add tint to windows
  • Wrap your car to change the exterior colour
  • Pick light interiors - choose colours such as beige and cream for seats and dashboard furniture
  • Avoid leather interiors as these absorb more heat
'Worse than a prison sentence'

Marie Byrne, a counsellor who volunteers at the UAE government's mental health crisis helpline, said the ordeal the crew had been through would take time to overcome.

“It was worse than a prison sentence, where at least someone can deal with a set amount of time incarcerated," she said.

“They were living in perpetual mystery as to how their futures would pan out, and what that would be.

“Because of coronavirus, the world is very different now to the one they left, that will also have an impact.

“It will not fully register until they are on dry land. Some have not seen their young children grow up while others will have to rebuild relationships.

“It will be a challenge mentally, and to find other work to support their families as they have been out of circulation for so long. Hopefully they will get the care they need when they get home.”