<span class="s2">The filmmaker Tigmanshu Dhulia says the actor Irrfan Khan inspired him to write good scripts. "Irrfan is my friend and together we have done many films. He pushes me and my skills as a writer and director," he said. "When Irrfan is there, I don't do anything ordinary. In fact, I go out of my way while writing as I know Irrfan is doing it and he can pull it off." Dhulia and Khan have collaborated on three past films. Their latest movie is <em>Sahib Biwi Aur Gangster Returns</em>, currently screening in UAE cinemas. "When you work with friends, there is not only a comfort zone, but your work is also polished," Dhulia added. </span><span class="s3">– IANS</span> <span class="s2">The actor Raj Kumar Yadav warns his colleagues in the industry to be extra careful before signing on to a project. "If we don't give a thought before signing a film, there is no point. You might do 100 or 200 films, but they should be such that people say: 'He has done 50 films, but all are fantastic,'" the 28-year-old star of the recent hit<em> Kai Po Che!</em> told reporters. "There should be a good story, a good character which challenges me as an actor." His latest film, <em>Shahid</em>, premiered at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival. The movie is scheduled for release in India this year. </span><span class="s3">– IANS</span> <span class="s2">The filmmaker Punit Malhotra is set to make his acting debut in Samar Khan's short film <em>Waisi Waali Khushi</em>. Khan told reporters: "He is a good friend, so I asked him to act in it and I must say, it has come up very well. He has done a wonderful job." Khan plans to produce up to six short films and release it commercially as one movie later this year. "I hope many more such films are released in future. This is just the beginning," he said. </span><span class="s3">– IANS</span> Follow us