Priyanka Chopra, a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, greets a Syrian woman and her baby at UNICEF's Makani Center in Amman, Jordan, Sunday, Sep. 10, 2017. Chopra said the world needs to do more to help those displaced by war -- through individual donations if governments won't step up. The Bollywood veteran who is increasingly making her mark in the U.S. also tells The Associated Press in an interview that she didn't realize until working in America that it's "difficult for a woman of color" to be cast in a wide range of roles. (AP Photo/Lindsey Leger)
Priyanka Chopra, a Unicef Goodwill Ambassador, greets a Syrian woman and her baby at Unicef 's Makani Center in Amman, Jordan. Lindsey Leger / AP photo

Priyanka Chopra urges more Syria refugee help