Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan has a message for Dubai residents: “Stay at home”. The actor, who lives in the emirate, has partnered with Dubai Tourism to urge the city’s residents to stay in their homes. “As we’re all aware, there’s a restriction on movement across all corners of the world in various cities and countries,” he said. “To my brothers and sisters in Dubai, I would like to ask you to stay in your homes. “Do not go to work unless absolutely essential, work from home instead. Do not go out, even to parks or beaches. Even in your own homes, avoid hosting neighbours or friends. There is no better way to defeat Covid-19. So I ask all residents of Dubai, with all my heart, please stay in your homes.” He asked his fans to follow the government’s directives and practise social distancing, so that “God willing, we will overcome Covid-19”. The 90-second clip has been liked and shared thousands of times of social media. Khan is not the only Bollywood star to use his platform to urge people to stay at home during the Covid-19 outbreak. Priyanka Chopra, Akshay Kumar and Salman Khan have also shared similar messages with their millions of followers. Residents in the UAE are currently being asked to stay at home between the hours of 8pm and 6am while <a href="">sanitisation of public areas and transport</a> takes place, and only go out during the day for essential trips to medical facilities or to collect necessary supplies.