Lebanese demonstrators wave the national flag as they drive to a demonstration, marking the first anniversary of a non-sectarian protest movement, in the capital Beirut's downtown area on October 17, 2020. A whirlwind of hope and despair has gripped the country in the year since protests began, with an economic crisis and a devastating August 4 port explosion pushing Lebanon deeper into decay. Two governments have resigned since the movement started but the country's barons, many of them warlords from the 1975-90 civil war, remain firmly in power despite international as well as domestic pressure for change.  / AFP / ANWAR AMRO
A whirlwind of hope and despair has gripped the country in the year since protests began, with an economic crisis and a devastating August 4 port explosion pushing Lebanon deeper into decay. AFP

'We are here for revenge': thousands march in Beirut to mark Lebanon protest anniversary