Coalition’s Brigadier General Vincent Barker (R) watches Iraq’s Staff Major General Mohammad Fadhel Abbas (L) sign a document during a pullout ceremony at the Qayyarah air base, where US-led troops in 2017 had helped Iraqis plan out the fight against the Islamic State in nearby Mosul in northern Iraq, on March 26, 2020. The 5,200 US troops stationed across Iraqi bases make up the bulk of the coalition force helping hunt down Islamic State group sleeper cells across the country. Around 300 coalition troops left the western Qaim base in mid-March, handing it over in full to Iraqi troops. Today, more troops were set to leave. In the coming weeks, they will also leave the expansive base in Kirkuk.
Coalition’s Brigadier General Vincent Barker watches Iraq’s Staff Major General Mohammad Fadhel Abbas sign a document during a pullout ceremony at the Qayyarah air base on March 26, 2020. AFP 

US forces hand Kirkuk base to Iraqi army

The National