An Israeli settler stands inside the house of Palestinian Shamasneh family after Israeli policemen evicted them from their family home, in which they lived for over half a century, in the Arab neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah in east Jerusalem, on September 5, 2017, making way for Israelis deemed the legal occupants.
The Shamasneh family has for years been fighting a court battle against Jewish claimants who said that the building was their family property, which they fled when east Jerusalem was occupied by Jordanian troops in the 1948 war that led to the creation of the Jewish state. Under Israeli law, if Jews can prove their families lived in east Jerusalem homes before the 1948 war they can demand that Israel's general custodian office release the property and return their "ownership rights". / AFP PHOTO / Ahmad GHARABLI
An Israeli settler stands inside the entrance of the Shamasneh family home in Sheikh Jarrah, east Jerusalem, after Israeli policemen evicted the Palestinian family on September 5, 2017. Ahmad GharabliShow more

Palestinian family evicted from Jerusalem home of 50 years