Beduin children in the yard of the  elementary school in the tiny West Bank Beduin village of Khan al-Ahmar  on May 2,2018.The Israeli Supreme Court is expected next week to rule on the fate of the village, situated east of Jerusalem between the expanding settlements of Maale Adumim and Kfar Adumim.  The Israeli state says Khan al-Ahmar must be leveled because its structures are situated on state land and were built without permits, which are nearly impossible to obtain in the part of the West Bank known as area C, under full Israeli control.(Photo by Heidi Levine for The National).
Bedouin children in the yard of the elementary school in the tiny West Bank Beduin village of Khan al-Ahmar on May 2,2018. The school and the village face a demolition order which the Israeli Supreme Show more

Israeli Supreme Court to rule on demolition of West Bank village