The funeral of Marziah Tahery. Stefanie Glinski for The National
Fatima Khalil. Courtesy of the family
Fresha Kohistani.
Soraya Gul's family at home, with a picture of her framed. Courtesy of the Gul family
Malalai Maiwand. Courtesy Enikass radio and tv
Malala Maiwand (centre) speaks on second day of the National Media Conference on April 22, 2018. Courtesy Center for Protection of Afghan Women Journalist
The funeral of Marziah Tahery. Stefanie Glinski for The National
Fatima Khalil. Courtesy of the family
Fresha Kohistani.
Soraya Gul's family at home, with a picture of her framed. Courtesy of the Gul family
Malalai Maiwand. Courtesy Enikass radio and tv
Malala Maiwand (centre) speaks on second day of the National Media Conference on April 22, 2018. Courtesy Center for Protection of Afghan Women Journalist
The funeral of Marziah Tahery. Stefanie Glinski for The National