DELHI 14 January 2010 - A local man conducts his morning ablutions and toilet at the Najafgahr drain that empties into the Yamuna river  in Delhi, India. Every day India produces 38.2 billion litres of liquid effluent. There  is only the capacity to treat one third of that, meaning the remaining two thirds are released into the country's rivers, the sea or allowed to seep back into the ground to contaminate aquifers. India's Pollution Control Board released a report on sewage management this week showing off the shocking figures and state of the local waterways. pic Graham Crouch for The National.  For Foreign News Desk
A man carries out his morning ablutions at a section of the Najafgahr drain, which empties into the Yamuna river, in Delhi. India’s largest cities have centralised sewage systems, but most do not worShow more

India vows to end manual emptying of sewage tanks to prevent worker deaths