(FILES) In this file photo taken on February 03, 2015 An Iraqi man inspects, the remains of members of the Yazidi minority killed by the Islamic State (IS) jihadist group after Kurdish forces discovered a mass grave near the village of Sinuni, in the northwestern Sinjar area.  The Islamic State group left behind more than 200 mass graves in Iraq containing up to 12,000 victims that could hold vital evidence of war crimes, the UN said November 6, 2018.
The United Nations in Iraq (UNAMI) and its human rights office said they had documented a total of 202 mass graves in parts of western and northern Iraq held by IS between 2014 and 2017. / AFP / Safin HAMED AND Safin HAMED
 An Iraqi man inspects, the remains of members of the Yazidi minority killed by ISIS after Kurdish forces discovered a mass grave near the village of Sinuni, in the northwestern Sinjar area on FebruarShow more

UN team unearths 12 mass graves in Iraq probe of ISIS crimes