Michael Petraglia, professor of human evolution and prehistory at the University of Oxford’s School of Archaeology, at an ancient buried lake in the Nefud Desert, northern Saudi Arabia. Courtesy Michael Petraglia
Michael Petraglia, professor of human evolution and prehistory at the University of Oxford’s School of Archaeology, at an ancient buried lake in the Nefud Desert, northern Saudi Arabia. Courtesy MichaShow more

When Arabia was green: lush grasslands helped early man make leap out of Africa

A prehistory professor has unearthed evidence that the Arabian Peninsula played a pivotal role in the evolution and migration of our species across the planet, and that the arid desert was once a lush green habitable landscape.

Michael Petraglia is no stranger to the hot, dusty and physically demanding business of unearthing the secrets of our distant past in some of the more inhospitable places on Earth.

So it came as a pleasant surprise in 2001 for the professor of human evolution and prehistory at the University of Oxford’s School of Archaeology to make one of his more unexpected discoveries in the air-conditioned comfort of the library at the National Museum of Saudi Arabia.

What he found, meticulously recorded in an archaeology journal almost completely unknown outside Saudi Arabia, were fascinating clues to the area’s prehistoric past that would trigger a dramatic reappraisal of the role played by the Arabian Peninsula in the migration of the first humans out of Africa.

As Professor Petraglia turned the pages of Atlal, reviewing the findings of the Comprehensive Archaeological Survey ordered by the Saudi government in the 1970s, the seed of an idea was planted that by 2012 would grow into an international project.

“Arabia had been completely underplayed in the story of human migrations out of Africa,” says Prof Petraglia, reflecting on the first three years of the five-year Palaeodeserts Project, on which he is the principal investigator.

With another two years of the project left to run, “the progress has been beyond my expectations”, he says. “I don’t know if I should say this myself, but we’re transforming the prehistory of Arabia.”

Launched as a five-year collaboration between the Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities and Oxford University’s School of Archaeology, the Palaeodeserts Project has so far involved more than 30 scholars from a dozen institutions and seven countries.

They work in a range of disciplines including palaeontology, geography, geochronology, animal and human genetics, archaeology, rock art studies and linguistics. It was a measure of the international significance of the work that it attracted a €2.4 million (Dh9.9m) grant from the European Research Council.

The picture emerging from the sands of time is both incredibly complex in its scope and yet astonishingly simple in its implications.

Once upon a time, vast and now arid parts of Arabia were lush, green landscapes, irrigated by lakes and rivers and populated by large mammals, such as big cats, elephants and hippos, of a kind we now associate only with Africa.

“And today,” says Prof Petraglia, with contagious enthusiasm, “this is the Empty Quarter”. “Just imagine.”

One of many such sites is at Mundafan, in the south-west of Saudi Arabia at the junction between the Asir and Tuwayq mountains and the Rub’ Al Khali desert, or Empty Quarter.

To the untutored eye all that can be seen are the dunes of a typical, windblown Arabian desert. In fact, as extensive research has now shown, this was once the site of a large freshwater lake – a finding that has been repeated at locations across the Arabian peninsula.

Such dramatic, climate-driven transformations played a sensational role in the development of our species. As if by a process of osmosis, the lush conditions of Arabia, which came and went in cycles of thousands of years at a time over a period of a million years, drew early humans eastward from Africa.

This was the late Pleistocene period, which ended about 12,000 years ago, during which Homo sapiens – the “wise man” – out-competed all other species of humans to became the dominant life form on Earth.

And thanks to the project, we now know that: “Arabia was a key stepping stone out of Africa”, says Prof Petraglia. It is a role that has, until now, been largely neglected.

Accepted wisdom that well preserved archaeological sites were unlikely to be found in deserts proved unfounded – in fact, the opposite has been shown to be true.

“Beneath the sands there are many secrets,” says Petraglia.

“The wonderful thing is that many of these sites are remote and inaccessible, which makes them logistically very hard to work in, but it means they have remained very well protected.”

One such site is at Jabal Umm Sanman, in the Great Nafud Desert, which has yielded a treasury of rock art, epigraphy and other evidence of human habitation along the shores of a now-vanished 20km-long lake, dating back about 8,000 years. This is one of 11 sites in Saudi Arabia currently under consideration for inclusion on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.

Such discoveries, says Prof Petraglia, show that far from being an archaeological wasteland: “Arabia is a beautiful laboratory for examining cultural and demographic change relative to climate change”.

For Prof Petraglia, the story began in 2000, when he was a research associate at the Smithsonian in Washington. A delegation from the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Education visited the institution for the launch of Written in Stone, a joint website dedicated to some of the 9,000 examples of ancient rock inscriptions found in the country.

“I told them I was interested in migrations out of Africa and that I was comparing India to Africa. They said, ‘Well, isn’t Saudi Arabia a logical place to be working?’. I thought, ‘Absolutely’, and put in for a Fulbright grant.”

In 2001 Petraglia spent several months in Saudi Arabia: “And I was just blown away”. Until then, he had never heard of the huge national archaeological survey carried out in the 1980s, which had been reported in Atlal but had not become part of the international scientific literature.

While in the country, he was able to visit three or four sites. Among them was Dawadmi, in the very centre of the Arabian peninsula, where, he says: “I saw all these amazing and well preserved stone tools, distributed literally over kilometres.”

With artefacts spread over 200 kilometres, the Dawadmi site turned out to be one of the largest in the world for stone tools made by early man.

The Palaeodeserts Project marked its halfway point last April with a conference in Oxford, the title of which summed up the new perception of the role of the region in shaping human destiny: “Green Arabia: Human Prehistory at the Crossroads of Continents”.

“We called it Green Arabia because many times in the past Arabia was green, with grasslands, wooded landscapes, rivers and lakes,” says Prof Petraglia.

“With that title we were trying to break down the stereotypical image of Arabia as just this barren, desolate, hyper-arid place, because it is so much more interesting than that.”

One of the key lessons that has emerged from the project, with much resonance for our times, is that climate change played the central role in determining the early fate of our species.

“We now have evidence of dramatic swings through time between wet and dry, a repeated cycle,” says Prof Petraglia.

“We have aridity and deserts forming, but that’s followed by humidity and lakes and rivers, which drew populations across the Sahara and into Arabia. The big question is what happened to those populations when things got bad?”

Part of the answer is that the changing environment pushed whole populations out again. Some headed east, ultimately to populate other areas of the Earth for the first time, while some sought sanctuary in what were then more favourable environmental zones, such as in southern Arabia or along the Gulf. Now, of course, the region is in a dry period, but Prof Petraglia says: “The prediction would have to be that, in the future, that wet periods will reappear again across the Sahara and Arabia.”

“This is a natural cycle that Earth’s climate has been going through for hundreds of thousands of years.”

Predicting exactly when rivers might once again flow through the Empty Quarter is “very difficult”, and made doubly so by the very creatures whose global distribution and dominance was made possible by that natural cycle in the first place – us.

“People are influencing these processes nowadays, which of course makes all the difference.”

The immediate future of the project lies in the development of a Green Arabia Research Centre in Riyadh, announced last year by Prince Sultan bin Salman Al Saud, president of the Saudi Commission for Tourism & Antiquities.

Prof Petraglia’s thoughts are already turning to other regions of Arabia, which he believes could supply additional pieces of the prehistoric jigsaw puzzle.

“Given the opportunity, we would apply the same international, interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to the archaeological record of the Gulf, including in the UAE,” he says.

The Arabian Gulf has a well-known archaeological record, which extends back 10,000 years, but “it needs to be better understood with respect to how climate change affected populations, examining how societies changed from being hunter-gatherers to herder-hunters, and fishermen”.

Even more exciting, the sands of the Gulf could conceal an even greater treasure, he believes.

“There are now hints that the Gulf has a much deeper prehistory, extending back 100,000 years or more.

“Full-scale and detailed archaeological surveys and excavations are sorely needed.”


Ramez Gab Min El Akher

Creator: Ramez Galal

Starring: Ramez Galal

Streaming on: MBC Shahid

Rating: 2.5/5

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Key findings
  • Over a period of seven years, a team of scientists analysed dietary data from 50,000 North American adults.
  • Eating one or two meals a day was associated with a relative decrease in BMI, compared with three meals. Snacks count as a meal. Likewise, participants who ate more than three meals a day experienced an increase in BMI: the more meals a day, the greater the increase.
  • People who ate breakfast experienced a relative decrease in their BMI compared with “breakfast-skippers”.
  • Those who turned the eating day on its head to make breakfast the biggest meal of the day, did even better.
  • But scrapping dinner altogether gave the best results. The study found that the BMI of subjects who had a long overnight fast (of 18 hours or more) decreased when compared even with those who had a medium overnight fast, of between 12 and 17 hours.

Mercer, the investment consulting arm of US services company Marsh & McLennan, expects its wealth division to at least double its assets under management (AUM) in the Middle East as wealth in the region continues to grow despite economic headwinds, a company official said.

Mercer Wealth, which globally has $160 billion in AUM, plans to boost its AUM in the region to $2-$3bn in the next 2-3 years from the present $1bn, said Yasir AbuShaban, a Dubai-based principal with Mercer Wealth.

Within the next two to three years, we are looking at reaching $2 to $3 billion as a conservative estimate and we do see an opportunity to do so,” said Mr AbuShaban.

Mercer does not directly make investments, but allocates clients’ money they have discretion to, to professional asset managers. They also provide advice to clients.

“We have buying power. We can negotiate on their (client’s) behalf with asset managers to provide them lower fees than they otherwise would have to get on their own,” he added.

Mercer Wealth’s clients include sovereign wealth funds, family offices, and insurance companies among others.

From its office in Dubai, Mercer also looks after Africa, India and Turkey, where they also see opportunity for growth.

Wealth creation in Middle East and Africa (MEA) grew 8.5 per cent to $8.1 trillion last year from $7.5tn in 2015, higher than last year’s global average of 6 per cent and the second-highest growth in a region after Asia-Pacific which grew 9.9 per cent, according to consultancy Boston Consulting Group (BCG). In the region, where wealth grew just 1.9 per cent in 2015 compared with 2014, a pickup in oil prices has helped in wealth generation.

BCG is forecasting MEA wealth will rise to $12tn by 2021, growing at an annual average of 8 per cent.

Drivers of wealth generation in the region will be split evenly between new wealth creation and growth of performance of existing assets, according to BCG.

Another general trend in the region is clients’ looking for a comprehensive approach to investing, according to Mr AbuShaban.

“Institutional investors or some of the families are seeing a slowdown in the available capital they have to invest and in that sense they are looking at optimizing the way they manage their portfolios and making sure they are not investing haphazardly and different parts of their investment are working together,” said Mr AbuShaban.

Some clients also have a higher appetite for risk, given the low interest-rate environment that does not provide enough yield for some institutional investors. These clients are keen to invest in illiquid assets, such as private equity and infrastructure.

“What we have seen is a desire for higher returns in what has been a low-return environment specifically in various fixed income or bonds,” he said.

“In this environment, we have seen a de facto increase in the risk that clients are taking in things like illiquid investments, private equity investments, infrastructure and private debt, those kind of investments were higher illiquidity results in incrementally higher returns.”

The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, one of the largest sovereign wealth funds, said in its 2016 report that has gradually increased its exposure in direct private equity and private credit transactions, mainly in Asian markets and especially in China and India. The authority’s private equity department focused on structured equities owing to “their defensive characteristics.”

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Company Profile

Company name: Namara
Started: June 2022
Founder: Mohammed Alnamara
Based: Dubai
Sector: Microfinance
Current number of staff: 16
Investment stage: Series A
Investors: Family offices

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