The President ordered the release of more than 600 prisoners on Tuesday to coincide with National Day. Sheikh Khalifa said the 662 will go free as the country marks 48 years since its foundation on December 2, 1971, state news agency Wam reported. Rulers traditionally pardon hundreds of prisoners during Ramadan and religious holidays. More than 4,000 <a href="">prisoners were released during the Holy Month</a> this year and last year about 1,800 went from for National Day. Inmates are typically chosen due to good behaviour, along with those jailed for financial crimes and debts. As <em>The National </em>reported on Sunday, Indian gold dealer <a href="">Firoz Merchant paid Dh1 million to clear the debts</a> of 700 prisoners for National Day and send them home to their families. The Pure Gold group founder works to identify prisoners in jail for debt, who in many cases have completed their sentences but cannot be released until their debt is paid.