ABU DHABI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. 05 JANUARY 2020. Feature on men’s health after a recent survey found that 40 per cent of men refuse to see a doctor for regular check ups. As part of the new year journalist Nick Webster headed to the Cleveland Clinic in Abu Dhabi to perform an extensive round of health checks and tests to better understand what he needs to focus on in the coming years. Staff Nurse Aisling Finlay and Ana Gancinho, Cardiovascular Technician at the Cleveland Clinic in Abu Dhabi performs a stress test on The National Journalist Nick Webster by having him perform cardiovascular exercise to test his health systems.(Photo: Antonie Robertson/The National) Journalist: Standalone. Section: National.
Reporter Nick Webster undergoes an extensive medical check-up at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi. Antonie Robertson / The National

Two in five men are sleepwalking into a health crisis, UAE survey finds