Abu Dhabi, UAE, June 26, 2014:

As the world marks international drug day, the NRC (National Rehabilitation Center) has launched a week long initiative to educate people about the dangers of addiction and how they can help stop those at risk. 

Seen here is Dr. Ali Hassan Ali Al Marzooqi, the public health and research director of NRC. He hopes tho initiative will help people understand that the NRC is completely confidential and that anyone who needs help should seek them out. He went on to say that as cosmopolitan city Abu Dhabi attracts many different cultures. Many of these cultures consider it normal to consume alcohol and with that comes a risk of addiction for locals. 
Lee Hoagland/ The National
Dr Ali Al Marzooqi, public health and research director at the National Rehabilitation Centre in Abu Dhabi, says the centre had to instate a waiting list due to the rapid increase in referrals of addiShow more

Stigma can cause addiction-related health issues to go unnoticed in UAE, say experts

Health issues related to addiction remain a blind-spot in some communities due to continuing stigmas surrounding drugs and alcohol, experts have said.

Speaking at the Public Health Forum of the Arab Health Congress in Dubai, doctors working in the field of addiction said that while some patients struggle to access help, knowledge and acceptance of addiction as a genuine health concern has vastly improved in the last 15 years.

“For so many reasons this subject is taboo in the community,” said Dr Ali Al Marzooqi, director of public health and research development at the National Rehabilitation Centre in Abu Dhabi.

“Because of our culture and religious values, many think this problem of addiction does not exist.

“It exists in every single country and the burden here in our region is probably the same as in the US.

“If President Trump claims it is an epidemic and an emergency issue, it is the same in the Middle East.”

Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry system.


Read more:

New deal helps former drug addicts in UAE find work 

Young lives in the UAE being destroyed by drugs, former addicts say 

National Editorial: A conscious movement against destructive addictions has begun in the UAE


Dysfunction leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations that can result in disability and premature death.

According to the World Health Organisation, drug addiction is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide, and one of the leading causes of HIV and Hepatitis C infection.

It is also proven to be associated with crimes and national security, and has a catastrophic effect on health, social, safety and economic factors.

According to the NRC, 3.5 per cent of the world’s population are drug users, with about 50 million addicts and 30 million are suffering from drug-related illness.

Ten separate classes of drugs can lead to substance misuse disorders. Those are alcohol, caffeine, cannabis, hallucinogens, inhalants, opioids, sedatives, hypnotics, anxiolytics, stimulants and other unknown substances.

The number of psychoactive substances has risen from about 260 in 2010, to more than 600 now.

In 2002 the centre had just 14 beds, and treated just one patient in six months. In 2018, the NRC has 160 patients with between 70-80 fully occupied beds.

The NRC also recently began treating patients for gaming and internet addiction in adolescents and is studying factors influencing women addicts in the UAE.

“There remains a stigma of patients coming to the centre, but it has dissolved to a certain extent since it was established in 2002,” Dr Al Marzooqi said.

“We have had patients who have relapsed more than 15 or 16 times, there is nothing wrong with the treatment programmes we are offering, just the nature of the effect on the brain that makes relapse very common.”

The NRC is currently in talks with the Department of Health Abu Dhabi to expand its programme of addiction clinics within existing primary healthcare centres.

Education is also being offered to primary healthcare physicians to help male an earlier diagnoses and offer initial counselling that could help addicts.

Other addiction experts attending the seminar said some addicts refused to be transferred to the NRC due to fears they could lose their jobs of they were identified as having an addiction problem.

Dr Al Marzooqi also cited the rise in drug use in films and television as having an impact on addiction, similar to the use of tobacco that seems to normalise its use.

“This is increasing, and there needs to be a collaboration with multiple bodies to find a solution,” he said.

“The law has been modified recently to encourage addicts to seek help.

“For those who take drugs in the country for the first time, they are usually avoid punishment provided that they follow a compulsory treatment programme for at least three months.”

Small Things Like These

Director: Tim Mielants
Cast: Cillian Murphy, Emily Watson, Eileen Walsh
Rating: 4/5

The Africa Institute 101

Housed on the same site as the original Africa Hall, which first hosted an Arab-African Symposium in 1976, the newly renovated building will be home to a think tank and postgraduate studies hub (it will offer master’s and PhD programmes). The centre will focus on both the historical and contemporary links between Africa and the Gulf, and will serve as a meeting place for conferences, symposia, lectures, film screenings, plays, musical performances and more. In fact, today it is hosting a symposium – 5-plus-1: Rethinking Abstraction that will look at the six decades of Frank Bowling’s career, as well as those of his contemporaries that invested social, cultural and personal meaning into abstraction. 

Veil (Object Lessons)
Rafia Zakaria
​​​​​​​Bloomsbury Academic