Salon user learnt hard way the perils of a pedicure when she got a fungal infection

It took Seham Wagdy eight months of rubbing cream on her toenails before she was rid of the infection and now she takes her own equipment with her to the salon

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Most women enjoy getting their nails done at their local salon, some choose to have them groomed regularly and others occasionally, but being aware of the risks involved might save them from various infections.

Seham Wagdy a regular salon visitor said that she always takes her personal tools to the salon after suffering from a fungal infection last year.

“I used to go to a salon near my house in Khalifa city but after catching a fungal infection in my toenails, I decided to take my personal kit each time I visit a salon,” said Ms Wagdy

The 32-year-old Egyptian said that she applied an antifungal cream for around 8 months in order to treat the infection

“The incident happened last year and it never accrued to my mind that I would catch such thing at the salon, the doctor told me that using unsterile nail tools caused the infection.”

“A small mistake made me suffer for a long time, I love to see my nails well-groomed but the incident made me extra cautious, always take my tools with me and make sure that the staff washed her hand and the foot bath before starting the session,” said Ms Wagdy

She added that personal tools should also be sterilized after every use.

“I soak the tools in a disinfectant solution for around 20 minutes after every use, I prefer to do it by myself instead of the salon,” said Ms Wagdy

Another lady said that she uses the home service and never occurred to her that improper sterilization of nail tools would cause such infections.

“I never thought that such risks might be linked to a manicure and pedicure session, I use professional home service and I had never questioned them about the tools assuming that they already follow the right sterilizing steps,” said Shaikha Al Mulla, a 26-year-old Emirati from Fujairah

“It’s important to carry out awareness campaigns as not all the women know about the risks involved while beauty salon employees should be also aware of the health and safety measures to prevent such incidents from happening,” she added