Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid shared a touching tribute to his father the day before the anniversary of his death. The Vice President and Ruler of Dubai on Sunday posted an image of Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum on Twitter. "On this seventh day of October in 1990, Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum left us. Gone from Dubai was its father and engineer. His departure broke a lot of hearts. Many did not believe that their father was gone," Sheikh Mohammed said. "The hardest departure is that of the father, it makes you an orphan because he was the reason for your existence, your life, your success and the establishment of your homeland." On Monday, Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed, Crown Prince of Dubai, paid tribute to his grandfather by posting a video montage of Sheikh Rashid. Sheikh Rashid was instrumental in the <a href="">formation of the UAE</a>. Approached by Sheikh Zayed, then Ruler of Abu Dhabi, in 1968, he agreed to a formal accord that would bind their two emirates together. The remaining emirates followed suit three years later. Sheikh Rashid is also considered the father of modern Dubai after he spearheaded the emirate's rapid development under his rule, from 1958 until his death. Way before the discovery of oil, Sheikh Rashid ushered in a pro-business atmosphere that put the city on the path to success. Sheikh Mohammed learnt this approach, which he implements to this day, from his father.