Dubai Lamp a bright idea for energy savings

DUBAI // The emirate has anounced that the Dubai Lamp, the world's most energy-efficient lightbulb, developed by Philips at the request of the municipality, will go on sale in Ramadan.

The LED bulb uses a fraction of the electricity needed by conventional lights, cuts emissions and will reinforce the emirate’s green credentials.

The bulbs range in power ratings from 1 to 3 watts, replacing 25 to 60 watt bulbs. Costing between Dh18 and Dh33, the bulbs will have a lifespan of 25,000 hours.

“This is the world’s most energy-efficient lightbulb and provides big efficiency savings, as well as lowering electricity bills for consumers,” said Olav Scholte, marketing manager at Philips Lighting Middle East.

“With lighting accounting for 22 per cent of all energy consumption in the Middle East, well above the global average, Dubai Lamp offers unprecedented energy savings and reduction of carbon emissions.

“With consumers more environmentally conscious, we hope that with their support we can put a considerable dent in our carbon footprint.”

The Dubai Lamp was revealed last October as part of the emirate’s sustainability drive, which aims to reduce energy use for lighting by up to 90 per cent.

People can save up to Dh2,000 a year on power bills by using the new bulb, said Mr Scholte.

“Dubai Lamp is also free from mercury and other hazardous substances that you find in conventional incandescent bulbs,” said Amruta Kshemkalyani, a sustainability expert.

“The great thing about the Dubai Lamp is that it makes it very easy and convenient for people to be environmentally friendly.”

Prices for LED light bulbs at Ikea range between Dh9 and Dh45, but all have a higher wattage than the Dubai Lamp. Ace hardware sells LED bulbs for about Dh15 to Dh35.

Ivano Iannelli, from Dubai Carbon, said the new bulbs also had secondary benefits.

“One of the things about normal lightbulbs is that they give off a lot of heat, and that means more air conditioning is required to cool down homes,” said Mr Iannelli.

“But because these bulbs use so little energy that will result in less of a demand for cooling.”