Eid Al Fitr is a key date in the calendar for Muslims around the world as it marks the end of Ramadan. On the eve of the 30th day of Ramadan, the moon-sighting committee will reconvene and begin searching for a glimpse of the new crescent moon. If they spot the new moon, the following morning will be announced as the first day of Shawwal — Eid Al Fitr. The holy month lasts between 29 to 30 days, depending on the moon sighting. Ramadan this year <a href="https://www.thenational.ae/uae/ramadan-2019-holy-month-to-begin-on-may-6-in-most-islamic-nations-1.854834">began on May 6 in most Islamic countries</a><a href="https://www.thenational.ae/uae/ramadan-2019-fasting-to-begin-on-monday-1.857260">.</a> So, that means Eid Al Fitr, which translates from Arabic to the 'feast of breaking the fast', will likely begin on either Tuesday, June 4, or Wednesday, June 5. The UAE has <a href="https://www.thenational.ae/uae/government/uae-forms-moon-sighting-committee-ahead-of-eid-al-fitr-1.868115">formed a moon-sighting committee</a> who will begin looking for evidence of a new moon cycle on Monday, June 3. If they spot the new moon, Eid Al Fitr will begin the next day. If not, Eid will begin on Wednesday instead — meaning Ramadan will have lasted 30 days. According to the list of public holidays released by the UAE Cabinet for this year and next, the Eid holiday will begin on the 29th day of Ramadan and last until Shawwal 3. It has been confirmed that the Eid holiday for the private sector will begin on Monday June 3 and last for four days, regardless of when Eid falls, while the public sector will have five days off starting from Sunday, June 2. <strong>UPDATE: UAE government announces Eid Al Fitr holiday for <a href="https://www.thenational.ae/uae/government/eid-al-fitr-2019-holiday-uae-public-sector-to-have-week-off-1.866391">public </a>and <a href="https://www.thenational.ae/uae/government/eid-al-fitr-2019-uae-private-sector-holiday-announced-1.866457">private </a>sector workers.</strong> Last year, Eid fell on a Friday and the public sector was given Thursday and the following Sunday off. The private sector resumed work on the Sunday. Public holidays have however been unified across the two sectors, <a href="https://www.thenational.ae/uae/government/uae-public-holidays-for-2019-and-2020-announced-by-cabinet-1.833425">the government announced earlier this year</a>. During Eid, it is recommended for Muslims to wear new clothes and visit family and friends, and exchange greetings with every person they come across. Celebrations typically last for three days and, more recently, it has become common practice to use the Eid holiday <a href="https://www.thenational.ae/lifestyle/travel/eid-al-fitr-the-best-holiday-travel-deals-for-2018-1.732445">to travel</a> or carry out extra-curricular activities. For more information on the UAE's public holidays, <strong><a href="https://www.thenational.ae/uae/government/a-guide-to-the-uae-s-public-holidays-when-is-my-next-day-off-1.834158">visit this page</a></strong>. <em>This article was first published on 2 May, 2019</em>